Jennifer has coached individuals on their personal and professional development plans; designed and facilitated coaching and development-related training for teams; and consulted with organizations to establish and improve human resource coaching and development programs in their workplaces.
In 2016 Jennifer completed an internal coaching position on the management development team at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). In this role she led the overall coaching strategy, provided executive coaching, and facilitated leadership development opportunities for the 500+ leaders of one of BC’s largest health authorities. Jennifer continues to coach leaders at VCH.
In addition to her initial coaching certification obtained in 2002, Jennifer acquired her professional certified coach status in 2016. Jennifer is also certified to perform Learning In Action’s Emotional Intelligence In Action Profiles, and is a certified Coaching Out Of The Box facilitator. Since 2012 Jennifer has been facilitating leadership and communications courses in the executive education program at the UBC Sauder School of Business.
Jennifer’s recent clients include, Vancouver Coastal Health, The Humphrey Group, The Women’s Enterprise Centre, LUSH Cosmetics, The British Columbia Lottery Association, YYoga, Keyano College, Community Futures of Howe Sounds, Interior Health, Fitin30, Ottawa Hydro, and the Healthcare Leaders Association of BC.

"Organizations are successful when they respond to the changing needs of their key stakeholders including their human resources."